📄️ List Authentication Factors
Returns a list of possible authentication factors, multi-factor (MFA), second-factor (2FA)
📄️ Remove One-Time-Password (OTP)
Remove the configured One-Time-Password (OTP) factor of the authenticated user. OTP is an authenticator app like Google/Microsoft Authenticator, Authy, etc. As only one OTP per user is allowed, the user will not have OTP as a second-factor afterward.
📄️ Add One-Time-Password (OTP)
Add a new One-Time-Password (OTP) factor to the authenticated user. OTP is an authenticator app like Google/Microsoft Authenticator, Authy, etc. Only one OTP per user is allowed. After adding a new OTP it has to be verified.
📄️ Verify One-Time-Password (OTP)
Verify the last added One-Time-Password (OTP) factor of the authenticated user. OTP is an authenticator app like Google/Microsoft Authenticator, Authy, etc. Only one OTP per user is allowed.
📄️ Remove One-Time-Password (OTP) Email
Remove the configured One-Time-Password (OTP) Email factor of the authenticated user. As only one OTP Email per user is allowed, the user will not have OTP Email as a second-factor afterward.
📄️ Add One-Time-Password (OTP) Email
Add a new One-Time-Password (OTP) Email factor to the authenticated user. OTP Email will enable the user to verify a OTP with the latest verified email. The email has to be verified to add the second factor.
📄️ Remove One-Time-Password (OTP) SMS
Remove the configured One-Time-Password (OTP) SMS factor of the authenticated user. As only one OTP SMS per user is allowed, the user will not have OTP SMS as a second-factor afterward.
📄️ Add One-Time-Password (OTP) SMS
Add a new One-Time-Password (OTP) SMS factor to the authenticated user. OTP SMS will enable the user to verify a OTP with the latest verified phone number. The phone number has to be verified to add the second factor.
📄️ Add Universal Second Factor (U2F)
Add a new Universal-Second-Factor (U2F) to the authenticated user. U2F is a device-dependent authentication like FingerScan, FaceID, WindowHello, etc. The factor has to be verified after adding. Multiple factors can be added.
📄️ Add Universal Second Factor (U2F)
Verify the last added new Universal-Second-Factor (U2F) to the authenticated user.
📄️ Remove Universal Second Factor (U2F)
Remove a specific Universal-Second-Factor (U2F) from the authenticated user by sending the id.
📄️ Add passkey
Add a new passkey authentication method to the authenticated user. Like FingerPrint, FaceID, WindowsHello, HardwareToken, etc. Multiple passkeys can be configured.
📄️ Add passkey link
Adds a new passkey authenticator link to the authenticated user and returns it in the response. This link enables the user to register a new device if current passkey devices are all platform authenticators. e.g. User has already registered Windows Hello and wants to register FaceID on the iPhone
📄️ List Passkey
Get the list of configured passkey authentication methods. Like FingerPrint, FaceID, WindowsHello, HardwareToken, etc.
📄️ Send passkey link
Adds a new passkey authenticator link to the authenticated user and sends it to the registered email address. This link enables the user to register a new device if current passkey devices are all platform authenticators. e.g. User has already registered Windows Hello and wants to register FaceID on the iPhone
📄️ Verify passkey
Verifies the last added passkey configuration of the authenticated user.
📄️ Remove passkey
Remove a passkey configuration from the authenticated user. The user will not be able to log in with that configuration afterward. Make sure the user has other possibilities to log in.